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Carts and how they work

Carts in relation to inventory and the checkout process

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over 6 years ago

As you prepare for wine release campaigns, whether it be once a year, or several times a year, keeping the Figure team in the loop on dates is key...especially if you have questions about allocation setup, email templates, manipulating groups and tiers, etc. Providing Figure with two weeks notice so that we can log your releases into our master calendar is helpful. That allows time to assess your needs for a memorable and effective release.

Carts and how they work:

The allocation model in Figure is setup so that once a client puts a product into their cart it is secured instantly from the available inventory. Therefore, if your winery only has 60 magnums in Figure inventory, and a client puts 1 into their cart, all other clients will only have access to 59 magnums

Keep this in mind...loading a cart removes products from your available inventory to sell.

The reason Figure does this is so that clients will not lose out on a purchase during the checkout process. If inventory is available the instant your client makes an attempt to put a wine in their cart, then it should remain theirs through the check out process. Just like going into a grocery store, putting an item into your cart, and wheeling to the checkout stand. How irate would you be in a store if you had an item physically in your cart and the person at the checkout stand said, “I’m sorry, this is no longer available.” 

What!? It was sitting right there in my cart! I could see it!

During the time it takes to complete a transaction, if entering new credit card or shipping information, the wine remains in the possession of your client. Once they move to the complete the purchase, the wine remains theirs even as multiple transactions could be happening for other clients at the same time.

In your Figure account, under Settings>Allocation you can set the cart time-out threshold. Usually 10 or 15 minutes (600-900 seconds) is a proper, standard time frame. If the client’s 10 or 15 minute time frame passes, the stock is removed from their cart and returned to available inventory. This feature makes sure that clients don’t load up a cart and just leave those quantities locked down for hours on end. The goal here is to get people to load up their cart and complete the purchase. 

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