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Products Overview

Products, Categories, Archive.

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

The Products page has a vast number of options for users, which we will cover completely in numerous articles. 

For starters, the main page will list all your products based on the Categories you create and the order in which you choose. The list defaults to display newer items at the bottom of each Category. Once a product is sold out you can Archive that item which moves it to the Archive page. This process keeps your main list of available products more organized, yet allows continued searching and usage of Archived products. 

We never delete sold out products because of the need to keep them linked to client order histories.

Product listings on the main page will show basic details like the Product Title, Subtitle, SKU, available inventory, retail pricing, visibility status, and the ability to Reorder (rearrange) the listings up and down in relation to the other products.

At the top of every Category there is a “Choose an Action” drop down menu, which allows users to select products, either singularly or in bulk, and make changes to their status availability (public or private), download order history exports, and move them among Categories.

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