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If you need help we are here.

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

We aim to be an enabling company, which means we work hard to make our software intuitive. We really hope you become self-sufficient in Figure like most of our clients! That said, everyone needs help sometimes, so we offer two levels of customer support.

General Support is Free
We provide general guidance (best practices), notes on features, and usage to help you make the most of Figure. This is available via Intercom, a support widget that appears on the lower right corner of every page of the Figure app. Simply chime in if you’ve forgotten how to do something, or need quick advice on a particular issue you’re facing. We’ll do our best to help guide you along. General Support is provided for Free with your monthly plan.

Premium Support is $100 / hour
Offered as an additional hands-on service, we charge hourly fees for Premium support. This is available for those who require continual personalized attention and guidance with custom requests outside of the workflows of the existing Figure software parameters. Should you create internal customer service options outside of the workflows of the existing Figure software parameters, Premium support and Custom Feature Development services may be required to solve a particular request.

Some examples of what we consider Premium Support:

  • Helping set up an offering/release

  • Restoring data that you inadvertently modified or deleted (not always possible)

  • Training a new employee on how to use the system

  • Manipulating or importing data of any kind

  • Updating content on a page or section of your website

  • Updating your shipping rates

  • Updating product details

  • Merging customer accounts

  • Creating a custom report or export

  • Running any custom actions against your data

  • Campaign Monitor list segmentation

  • Tracking numbers imports

When you explain your issue to the Figure support team, they will do their best to help resolve the issue, and inform you if Premium support services are necessary.

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