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Customer account details

Billing and shipping addresses, payment methods, and contact information

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

**Best Practices**—Addresses:

  • Address Nickname - use this to remind yourself and your staff that this address is referencing the customer’s home, office, vacation house, Tahoe house, Mom & Dad gift, whatever may remind you of why that address is in the customer account.

  • Address Nickname - If they are a pickup customer, a good idea is to put ‘Pickup’ into that nickname cell, then put the actual pickup address as the shipping address. That way, on confirmation receipt emails, customers will have the address where they go to pickup their orders.

  • If a state drop down menu is left blank in the shipping address, sales tax and shipping costs will not be applied to orders. This happens often so keep an eye on that. Review your shipping addresses when new clients signup to assure you are not losing money on shipping costs later on.

  • The email address and birthday should be filled out for every shipping address, to keep your shipments in compliance and so that the tracking number information goes to the correct person.

  • If you are shipping to an office address, get the name of the company from your customer and put it into the address on file. The reason this is important is to help drivers make successful deliveries. On a busy city street, many times the street address number is not easy to find on a building, but the name of a business is usually on a very big sign visible from the street.

  • Saving a default shipping address does not mean this is also the default address for a club membership. Be sure to apply the correct shipping address for a club member under the “Club Management” tab which is also in blue text just to the right of the “Profile & Notes” tab. 

  • If a customer updates their main shipping address (and they are in a wine club as well) Figure will not update the club membership automatically.

  • Do not use punctuation in a billing or shipping address. Dashes or hyphens, a period, an apostrophe or a # symbol for the apartment are the limit. Other than that, stay away from parenthesis, quotes, commas, forward-slashes, backslashes, ampersands (use the word and instead), etc. Any time you try and send punctuation through an API, like to your fulfillment company or ShipCompliant, punctuation can cause problems. Not always, but why bother with errors if you don't need to.

**Key Points**—Payment Methods:

  • To join a wine club, a customer needs to have a credit card loaded into their account first. Plus, when a client needs to change the credit card being used in their existing club membership, that existing credit card cannot be deleted from their account or removed from the club until you load a new credit card into the account.

  • When entering the billing address make sure you add the full street address, apartment or suite information, city, state, postal code...everything. If a declined credit card happens you don’t want it to be because you didn’t populate the information.

  • International Credit Cards: If you have a client that lives outside the USA, there is an option to enter international credit cards.** After clicking the New button to load a new credit card, and the window appears, instantly go to the State drop down menu. The first selection is “International”. Selecting that will remove the State drop down menu and make it a blank “fill-in” cell, allowing you to enter in more relevant information for that customer’s international billing address.

  • **Customers cannot load international credit cards themselves in their account pages or when processing an order. These credit cards have to be loaded into the Figure app by an admin user.

**Key Points**—Contact Info:

  • In the “Contact Info” window, found on the right side of the customer details page, there is a State drop down menu below the phone numbers section and right above the Family Information section. This drop down menu will populate the state column on the main customers page.

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