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Preauth links are not working

Why don’t the preauth links work for a Campaign Monitor email release?

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

**Very Important**We always test email campaigns in Campaign Monitor before sending. This is the most effective way to ensure your preauth links are functioning properly. That process can be found by reading the article titled, Sending test campaigns to check pre-auth login links.

When building an email in Campaign Monitor you have the option to add preauth links to action buttons. These access links can be found in your Figure account under the Settings>Marketing tab. Depending on what page you want the customer to land, you copy and paste that link into the button. 

A preauth link allows a customer with an existing Figure account to be logged directly into their account without having to remember their password.

The tokenized codes that get generated for preauth link access come directly from a customer's account in Figure. These links expire after 14 days and current examples for each customer can be found on a customer’s account details page, in the list of tabs that starts with “Profile & Notes”, “Special Instructions”, etc. “Preauth” is the last option in that list of headers.

Therefore, when you sync your list from Figure the current preauth code is transferred to the customer’s profile in Campaign Monitor. When a customer clicks the button in the email, the link identifies the code in Campaign Monitor, which was pulled from Figure, and they are logged into their Figure customer account.

Understanding that process is important, because any email addresses in your Campaign Monitor account, that did not come from a sync with Figure, will not have an account to access. So a preauth login link would not work.

When running your test emails, as you read about in the article, Sending test campaigns to check pre-auth login links, be sure to load some wines into the Test Group, so that when you login, there are wines, quantities, and pricing to view.

Double check these pieces:
>Did you copy and paste the correct link?

  • Sync your Figure list with Campaign Monitor. To get the most up to date configuration of all your clients and the Groups they are in (plus your Test group), you need to make sure Campaign Monitor has that data. 

  • The “Cart” and/or “Offering” link are the most commonly used links for releases, when customers have wines available to purchase.

  • The “Account” link is used when you are sending a “Save the Date” email and request that customers double check their payment details and shipping address.

Is a customer in two Groups?

Be aware that the most effective use of Groups is for one customer to be in one Group. If you have a customer in multiple Groups that can cause problems with the preauth login links. This most commonly occurs when a customer is in two Groups, and one of those Groups is not active (showing available products).

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