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Emailing customers that placed orders for Pick Up

Sending an email to your customers who bought from the recent offer and chose Pick Up

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

*This article is based around our connection to Campaign Monitor, but could be modified for use with other email marketing platforms.

Does your winery have a “Pick Up Day”? Need to entice customers to come and collect their recent purchase? Want to send an email to remind them of “Pick Up Day”. This can be done but not via the automatic sync between Figure and Campaign Monitor.

Fear not, this is how you can make it happen:

>On the main Orders page of your Figure account use the Quick Filter on the right side of the screen.

>Select the date range that you want to filter based on the open date and closing date of your most recent offering.

>Then click the Shipping Methods cell in the filter section and select the options you have (Winery Pickup, Tasting Room Pickup, etc).

>Then click the Filter button.

That will display the list of orders.

>Click the check-box at the top of the list on the left to select all the orders.

>Click the “Choose an Action” drop down menu and choose “Order Totals Export”.

>The spreadsheet that downloads will give you a list of all those orders.

>Save that spreadsheet for reference.

>Create a copy of that spreadsheet for upload as a .csv file and prepare the spreadsheet by deleting the unneeded columns - saving only the following:

  • Customer ID

  • Customer First Name

  • Customer Last Name

  • Customer Email

Save it.

>Log into your Campaign Monitor account.

>Click on the “Lists & Subscribers” page.

>On the right side click the green button “Create a New List”

>Name the list as you wish, “Spring 2019 Pick Up List”.

>Click the green button “Create List”.

>That will bring you to a page where you click “Add Subscribers”.

>Click the small blue link below the big text cell that says “Select it from your computer instead”.

That will allow you to upload the spreadsheet you have saved.

>Then it will bring you to a screen to make sure the column headers are properly named.

>The only one you will have to designate is the first one which is the “Customer ID”.

>On the right side you will see a drop down menu that says “Belongs to…”

>Click that drop down menu and select “a new numeric field”.

>That will automatically designate the field as the “Customer ID”.

>Then click the green button at the bottom “Finish adding subscribers”.

If you get a notice that says some subscribers were not added because they were in the list twice that is ok. 

You will now have the list of Spring 2019 Pick Up orders in your Campaign Monitor account.

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