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Building a reminder Campaign Monitor segment for Wish Only groups in Figure
Building a reminder Campaign Monitor segment for Wish Only groups in Figure

Sending a follow up email to a Figure group that is set as Wish Only

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

It is common for allocated brands to have a “Waiting List” of customers that are new and receive a “Wish Only” allocation. After the initial offering, most wineries like to send a reminder email to all the people that have not yet purchased wines.

But how do you send an email to a group this is wish only, because there is no official “last order date” in their Campaign Monitor data record?

Here’s how...

>On the main Orders page in Figure click the “Wish Requests” link in the upper left area.

>Select the top box next to the ID column to select all the orders.

>In the “Choose an Action” drop down menu, select “Order Data Export [.csv]”.

>In that spreadsheet you will want to isolate the customers that are in the “Waiting List” group (Column E) and who have a Wish Only designation. Wish Only designations will be towards the bottom of the spreadsheet. In Column J, which is titled “origin_order_id”, you will see order ids that look like this:

>Once you have filtered that list to isolate those Waiting List and Wish Only rows, create a new Excel spreadsheet, save it as an MS-DOS Comma Separated file type, name it as your Wish Only Requests Upload, and create two columns:

>Column A = id
>Column B = group_id

Be aware, those header columns with “id” and “group_id” have to be lower case lettering.

>Back over in the “Order Data Export” list of wish only orders, copy and paste the list of filtered “customer_id” in Column A into Column A of your Wish Only Requests Upload.

Now jump into Figure and go to the Groups page and create a new Group called “Wish Only Requested”.

Once created, on the main Groups page, in the left-most column you will see the Group ID.

Fill that number into Column B of your Wish Only Requests Upload.

Your upload spreadsheet will look like this:

Don’t worry about duplicate customer id entries. Figure will handle de-dupes on the upload.

You should now have an upload spreadsheet that will take Column A, the list of clients in the Waiting List group, that have placed Wish Only Requests, and move them into the group ID designated in Column B. Save that spreadsheet.

On the main Customers page in Figure, in the upper right area click the “Import” drop down menu and select “Customers”.

**Very Important**— Do not select “Groups” in that drop down menu. You must remember that when importing changes to a customer’s group designations:

>>>When you select Groups in the Import drop down menu, it moves clients from one group to another.

>>>When you select Customers in the Import drop down menu, it adds clients into the new group and keeps them in their existing group.

In this instance, you want to keep your customers in the “Waiting List” and add them into the “Wish Only Requested” group. Once this offering is done, it is easy to remove all those customers from this new “Wish Only Requested” group.

After uploading, now that group will be populated with all the people that have placed Wish Only requests during your current offering.

You now have to sync your Figure list to Campaign Monitor.

Once completed, in Campaign Monitor you will need to create a segment representing that list of customers in the Figure group. After the sync is complete, click into the Figure list in Campaign Monitor and click the “Segments” link in the right margin. 

That will show your list of segments, of which you should already have a Waiting List segment built.

Click the green “Create a New Segment” button in the right margin and build out these rules:

>”Define a rule based on…”

>Groups>Contains>Waiting List


>Groups>Does not Contain>Wish Only Requested

You will then name the segment in the bottom cell and click the “Save and Preview” button.

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