Offset currently supports Webhooks for the following objects:
Products - Coming soon
Club Members
Wishes - Coming soon
Create a new Webhook
If not yet enabled, request Webhook access from the Offset team. Once enabled, navigate to Settings > Webhooks to view existing webhooks and to create new ones. To create a new Webhook, click Add Webhook.
Endpoint URL: This is the endpoint that will receive the webhook and is typically generated in the outside application (IE: Zapier, Automate, custom integration, etc). Must be set as an accessible, absolute URL. Figure will send event data to this endpoint via an HTTP POST request.
Description: Enter something descriptive so you know what this new Webhook will do.
Events to Send: Check the box next to the event (one only) you want to enable.
Responding to a Webhook
All requests are in JSON format
Request method will always be POST
You must respond with a successful (200) status code
The request body will contain event data (see examples below).
We currently support the following events:
Customer created
Customer updated
Customer deleted
Order created
Order updated
Customer note created
Customer note updated
Customer note deleted
Order note created
Order note updated
Customer added to Group
Customer removed from Group
Address created
Address updated
Address deleted
Club Membership
Club membership created
Club membership updated
Club membership cancel
Appointment created
Appointment updated
Wish List - Coming Soon
Products - Coming Soon
Webhook Examples
Customer create
"event": "customer.create",
"timestamp": 1626726179,
"object": {
"id": "209",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "Active",
"state": "",
"order_count": "0",
"order_total": "0.00",
"last_order": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"last_order_total": "0.00",
"last_update": "2021-07-19 13:22:59",
"created": "2021-07-19 13:22:59",
"active_account": "Yes",
"created_by": "Ian Tucker",
"mail_marketing_opt_in": "Yes",
"marketing_opt_in": "Yes",
"phone": "7075017491",
"phone_call_opt_in": "Yes",
"salutation": "",
"signup_ip_address": ""
Customer update
"event": "customer.update",
"timestamp": 1737757899,
"object": {
"id": "100230",
"first_name": "Ian",
"last_name": "Tucker",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "Active",
"state": "CA",
"order_count": "7",
"order_total": "2123.60",
"credits_total": "0.00",
"last_order": "2024-11-13 13:34:18",
"last_order_total": "204.30",
"last_update": "2025-01-24 14:31:39",
"created": "2020-01-22 00:00:00",
"active_account": "Yes",
"birthday": "1980-10-25",
"company": "Offset Partners LLC",
"country": "US",
"created_by": "Tyson Caly",
"credits": "0.00",
"customer_type": "Mailing List",
"email_template": "none",
"first_purchase_amount": "100",
"first_purchase_date": "2024-07-25 10:48:42",
"first_purchase_order_id": "84",
"last_login": "2025-01-24 13:46:09",
"last_login_ip": "",
"legacy_customer_id": "100230",
"mailing_address": "1801 Old Sonoma Rd",
"mailing_city": "Napa",
"mailing_company": "Offset",
"mailing_country": "US",
"mailing_state": "CA",
"mailing_zip": "94559",
"mail_marketing_opt_in": "Yes",
"marketing_opt_in": "Yes",
"phone": "707-287-5906",
"phone_call_opt_in": "Yes",
"preauth_expires": "2024-10-07 16:00:58",
"preauth_token": "7DSVzCRVeq7fb8-O",
"receive_text_messages": "Yes",
"score": "10",
"signup_ip_address": "",
"sub_group": "Tier 1",
"vip_pickup": "Yes",
"website_source": "",
"addresses": [
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"created": "2025-01-24 13:49:14",
"last_update": "2025-01-24 13:49:14",
"title": "",
"salutation": "",
"first_name": "Ian",
"last_name": "Tucker",
"birthday": "1980-10-25",
"company": "Offset Partners",
"phone": "7072875906",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "1801 Old Sonoma Rd",
"address_2": "",
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"state": "CA",
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"created": "2024-08-23 17:06:20",
"last_update": "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
Customer delete
"event": "customer.delete",
"timestamp": 1737758313,
"object": {
"id": "101589"
Order create
"event": "order.create",
"timestamp": 1626726515,
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"customer_credits": "0.00",
"discount_customer": "30",
"email": "[email protected]",
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"first_name": "Tyson",
"group_id": "2",
"group_name": "Mailing List",
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"state": "",
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"image": "",
"stock_status": "In Stock",
"product_channel": "",
"shipped": "0",
"created": "2021-07-19 13:28:22"
Order update
"event": "order.update",
"timestamp": 1737758012,
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"datestamp": "2024-11-13 13:34:18",
"last_update": "2025-01-24 14:33:32",
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"customer_first_purchase": "2024-07-25 10:48:42",
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"first_name": "Ian",
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"gift_card_code": "G37-373-WPU-6FR",
"gift_message": "Enjoy your gift!",
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"group_name": "Mailing List",
"instructions": "Do not overwrite!",
"insurance": "0",
"inventory_location": "Website",
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"shipping_country": "US",
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"shipping_first_name": "Ian",
"shipping_last_name": "Tucker",
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"state": "",
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"created": "2024-11-13 13:34:18"
Customer notes created
"event": "customer.notes.add",
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"signup_ip_address": ""
"notes": [
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"customer_id": "333",
"created": "2022-07-28 23:42:01",
"type": "Admin",
"user_id": "1",
"user_name": "Ian Tucker",
"message": "Test Note"
Customer notes updated
"event": "customer.note.update",
"timestamp": 1737757352,
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"message": "New Edited Note for Ian</p>"
Customer notes deleted
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Order notes created
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