This is the third article in a five-part series on processing a club batch in Offset Commerce.
We summarized the entire workflow in a webinar on 8/6/24 which can be viewed here!
Before processing a Club Batch, it is a good practice to send your members an email letting them know that you will be processing their shipment on an upcoming date. In this communication, you can also encourage them to update their shipping addresses and credit cards. This will help reduce your decline rate during processing as well as the amount of returned shipments that went to the wrong shipping address. This outreach can sometimes invite cancellation requests, but those too are better to handle before you start processing orders so you can reduce charge disputes or returned shipments.
Sync your Customer Data to Campaign Monitor
Syncing your customers will ensure that you have sent over the most up-to-date customer data for segmentation and add any new members created since your last sync. You can Sync at any time. We recommend that you sync before creating segments, testing emails, and especially before sending out any campaigns.
Start in Offset by going to the Customers tab to sync your customer data
Select the Sync dropdown
Choose Sync Customers with Campaign Monitor
NOTE: This will sync data from 26 custom fields from Offset to Campaign Monitor. This is a manual process for most clients, so you will want to perform the Sync at least 5-10 minutes before sending any campaign as it can take a few minutes for the synced data to update in Campaign Monitor.
IMPORTANT: If your segment is not showing the correct amount of customers, syncing will often solve the issue. If not, double-check your rules. If the issue persists, please contact the Client Success team for assistance.
Add Marketing Links to Your Club Campaigns
Marketing Links are an essential tool for your Club campaigns. The Marketing Links insert pre-auth login keys at the end of a specific page URL so customers can click the link and land on the page already logged into their account without having to enter a password. You can add them to your campaign text as a hyperlink or link a call to action button so folks can skip the login process and focus on their purchase.
For Club members, there is a dedicated place in their account login where they can manage their Membership Shipping & Billing information. These settings are different from the General Shipping and Billing info that are used for open cart orders. When sending out a membership update call to action, you must use the Account Club Billing Link. To copy the Account Club Billing Link Preauth link, start by going to Offset Commerce
Navigate to Settings > Marketing Links
Copy the entire preauth link by selecting the copy button on the right side of the Account Club Billing Link
Selecting the copy link to copy the Account Club Billing Link to your clipboard
NOTE: When Members click the Account Club Billing Link they will be directed to the Membership page of their account where they can update their Membership Shipping and Billing information. This is the address and card that will be used to process their Club orders.
Inserting Your Preauth Link Into A Club Campaign
To add your link, go to Campaign Monitor, select your Campaign draft
Select Edit button to view or change the design
Select the Edit button next to your CTA button
Highlight the button text
Select the Insert dropdown
Paste the link into your URL or Button or check the existing link
Select the Insert button if you are adding a new link
Select Save Changes
Creating Club Members Segments in Campaign Monitor
Segments are filters that refine the list of people that will receive your campaign. To send marketing communications to members using Campaign Monitor, you will need to create segments for each Club level.
1. Go to Campaign Monitor, select the Lists & subscribers tab
2. Select the Customers (Sync with Figure - DO NOT DELETE) list
3. Select Segments on the left side menu
4. Select the Create a new segment button
5. Name the Club segment by selecting the edit pencil and adding the name of the Club
Naming your segment
6. In the first dropdown, select Custom Fields
7. Next, select clubs
8. Then select contains
9. Select the open field and type the name of the club exactly as it appears on the Clubs page in Offset.
10. Select the Save button
Note: Repeat this process for each Club and you can use this segment to send out general information to one or more Club segments.
Creating Targeted Club Member Segments
For situations where you want to send a more targeted communication to club members you may want to add Tags to the segment rules to send more focused communication to members with expired cards, paused memberships, or even post-processing credit card declines. Once you add Tags, you can use segmentation rules to target members for specific call-to-action emails such as an "Update Your Expired Card" email.
Adding Tags to Your Club Members
In Offset, go to the Clubs tab
Select the Actions dropdown
Choose the Export All Members file
Sort and Filter the file to get the information you need such as the expired or paused members
When you have a list of your members, copy the customer_id for the members you want to tag
Create a new spreadsheet with two columns:
Add the customer id from the Export All Members spreadsheet into column A
Add the tag to column B
FORMAT: Use alphanumeric names when creating tag names. The dash "-" is the only accepted punctuation.
IMPORTANT: Save the file as an MS-DOS Comma Separated .csv
When you are ready to import, go to the Customers tab
Select the Actions dropdown
Choose Imports > Tags
Select Choose File
Choose your saved file and select Open
Select the Upload button
To view your tagged members, go to Settings
Select the More dropdown and choose Tags
Under Customer Tags select the name of the Tag and it will pull up a list of tagged customers
If you need to delete the tag, on the Settings > Tags page, choose the "x" to the right of the tag.
NOTE: Deleting the tag will remove tags from all customers. This is a good option if you want to remove the tag and re-import.
Go to the Customers tag
Select the Sync dropdown
Choose Sync Customers with Campaign Monitor
Adding Tag Rules To Your Campaign Monitor Segment
1. Go to Campaign Monitor, select the Lists & subscribers tab
2. Select the Customers (Sync with Figure - DO NOT DELETE) list
3. Select Segments on the left side menu
4. Hover to the right of your group until the Copy button or select the ellipses to the right of your Club segment
Copying your existing segment
5. Rename the Club by replacing the copy in parenthesis with "Expired Cards" and select Save so you can easily identify the segment
Renaming your segment
6. Select Add โandโ rule
7. In the first dropdown, select Custom Fields
8. Next, select tags
9. Then select contains
10. Select the open field and type the name of your tag.
NOTE: If you previously synced, the members should populate within a few moments depending on the size of your segment.
IMPORTANT: If you don't see tags in your custom field dropdown, please contact Offset Client Support and we'll add that option for you.
Preview and Test Your Campaign
1. Go to Campaign Monitor, select your Campaign draft
2. Click the Select recipients button
Selecting recipients for your campaign
3. Check the box to the left of your Club segment and select the Save button
4. To preview the email in the browser, select the Preview button
IMPORTANT: Do NOT use the Send a test button to test your pre-auth links. The emails sent this way are meant to preview the content, but the links will not work.
Selecting the Preview button to view your campaign and test the links
5. On the preview screen, scroll through your email to proofread your content, confirm any personalizations are showing up correctly, and click on links to make sure they are all working before you send it to your club members.
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