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Dashboard Highlights

The full rundown on what gets populated on the Dashboard.

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard Highlights

The Dashboard is a good link to use as your bookmark for Figure, so that when you sign in every morning you can see if any new orders have come in overnight.

The three top boxes for Orders, Customers, and Products will take you to the most commonly used sections of your Figure account. Just below these three boxes you can start a new order, create a new customer, or add a new product. 

**Helpful Hint**When it comes to adding new customers as an admin user in the Figure app, it is wise to search their first name and last name, even their email address, to see if they already have an account. Many times, we have seen dual accounts for the same person. Sometimes more. People sign up under one email address, forget, then months later request to sign up again under a new email address. Doing this quick prelim search will keep you from having ghost accounts, or in some situations, offering highly allocated wines to the same person who happens to just have two accounts or more set up under different email addresses.

The next section below is titled “Orders” and will give you an overview of alerts, sales, and goals. 

The Alerts section compiles six different order related tasks for your employees to stay on top of on a daily basis. If you click on any of these tabs Figure will take you to a screen listing all of those orders:

  • Needs Attention: In an order there are two places your employees can write/track internal notes (not visible by the customer). In an order, scroll more than half way down the page and you will see a section that says, “What needs to be done for this order?”. This is the section that allows you to enter notes that can be edited or removed. This is the also the section that if you enter in text, it triggers the “Needs Attention” task compiler in the Dashboard. If you put in a task like, “Client picking up order on Saturday June 16, please have it ready”, the Needs Attention flag for this order will appear at the top of the order details page, on the main orders page under the payment and shipping status for that particular order, and on the Dashboard. Once the client picks up the order you can return to this section of the order, copy, cut, then paste that text into the “Internal Permanent Notes” section as a record, perhaps adding the word “Completed” before the note, so you know it was done. Then delete all the text from the “What needs to be done for this order?” section and click the Update button. That will clear the “Needs Attention” notes for that order throughout the system.

  • Unpaid: If you process an order as “Offline/Pay Later” it will appear in your Figure account as “Not Paid”. Those orders will be compiled in the Unpaid alerts tab. However, we have been advising Figure accounts to not use this feature. More on that in our best practices section of the Help Desk under the article titled Accepting cash or check payments

  • Disputed Charge: When a chargeback occurs, you will receive an email notice from [email protected]. The email will go to the “Admin Email” you have entered on the Settings>General page. To learn more about Disputed Charges (Chargebacks), read this article titled Chargebacks.

  • Not Shipped: Any orders that have been placed will default to the Not Shipped status (whether they are orders to be shipped, orders to be picked up, or orders to be transferred). This will probably be the most commonly populated alert with the largest number. However, a good goal for your team, and for the happiness of your customers, is that before an upcoming vintage release, all orders from the previous release should be shipped, so this alert will show zero.

  • Hold: This alert gets populated when you change the shipping status of an order from “Not Shipped” to “Hold”. We see the Hold status being used by wineries and retailers as a pause marker either for weather holds or as a notification that the order is a pickup order (Hold Pickup status).

  • Not Compliant: If you are using ShipCompliant to clear orders for shipment, any orders that do not pass compliance will be compiled under this alert.

The Sales and Sales Progress / Goals section will show you daily sales numbers, a monthly sales grid, and the sales compared to goals that you can set. On the far right section of this section you will see an “Edit Goals” button. Click that and a window will pop up that will allow you to populate monthly goals. The Figure system will then calculate your yearly goal.

The Customers section of the Dashboard has a Needs Attention alert that is being built, completion coming soon. This will be just like the Orders version where inside a customer account you can add temporary notes and permanent notes. The temporary notes will be titled “What needs to be done for this customer?”. 

This section also compiles the number of people that signed up for your mailing list/created a new account. These numbers can also be seen on the right side of the main Customers page.

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