All Collections
Figure: Detailed Use
A full scope of complete user guidelines and system capabilities.
Saving Carts for Later
2024 CA Redemption Value Fee
Print shipping labels direct from Offset through your FedEx account
International Shipping Setup
Add Your ShipCompliant Credentials
Allocations / Carts
Shipping States and Taxes
Shipping Rates
Updating Your Bank Account
Shipping methods showing zero dollars in the admin shopping cart
Adding URL links to Figure transaction emails
Colorado Retail Delivery Fee
Age Gate Modal
Team Members
General Settings
Transactional Emails
The main Orders page
Bulk upload Tags into existing orders
Wish Grant batch process
Adding shipping charges into a pickup order
Changing the shipping method in an existing order
Changing the shipping address in an existing order
Bulk uploading tracking number information
Add tracking information to a single order
Bulk edit shipping dates in orders
Submitting shipping orders to fulfillment companies via the API
Resubmitting an order to fulfillment via API after an error
Sending an order update email
Full rundown of a single order details page
Admin users processing an order
Partial order refunds or cancel an entire order
Export a list of Not Shipped orders
No sales tax was applied to an order
Refund shipping charges on an order
Setting up the “Default Shipment Status” in ShipCompliant
How to Apply and View Credits
ShipCompliant Onsite / Offsite Selection
Save An Order to Ship Compliant and Bypass the Compliance Check
Order Actions: Carrier Exports
Credit Card Refund Timing and Delays
Reassign an order to another customer account
Using the Referral Code to Track Signups
Customers page
Customer account details page
Updating a customer credit card
Bulk upload Tags into existing customer accounts
Processing orders with international credit cards
The Inactive status in a customer account
Country Codes for the Customer Mailing Addresses
Product Visibility controls for your Online Shop
Wine Varietal Options for Products
The main Products page
Product details page for a single item
Exporting a list of customers who purchased a particular product
Featured products relates to processing a new order
Moving a product to the top of your commerce website
Inactive and Archived products can still be purchased from the website
Importing Products to Offset Commerce
Importing Customers to Offset Commerce
Reports page and exporting spreadsheets
Standard Reports
Accounting Reports - Sales By Channel
Stripe Online Payments
Data Exports
Daily bank numbers showing negatives
Differences in sales data showing on different reports
Mismatched inventory to payment transactions
Financials on Orders page: Total - Subtotal - Revenue