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POS hardware
Jon Patch avatar
Written by Jon Patch
Updated over 12 months ago

The POS app can be downloaded in the Apple App store on iPad or iPhone but you'll need a card reader if you'd like to a charge customer credit cards on-site. Here's what you'll likely want to get.

Stripe Card Readers are $59 each and come with a charging cable. You will need a dedicated reader for each iPad that is running the POS app. They are terrific devices, and allow for tapping or inserting cards.

To purchase one, we need to collect the following information from you over the phone:

  • Company credit card

  • Expiration date

  • Security code

  • Billing zip

  • Email address for confirmation receipt

  • Shipping name

  • Shipping address

  • Phone number

This will allow our team to buy the chip readers for you and have them shipped.

Through us, you can also purchase an aluminum countertop Dock and a charging station for $19. They are nice and weighted so if you'd like to have your reader and iPad in a fixed position on your countertop, it's a great addition.

You'll also likely want an iPad for running the iOS app (though you can use an iPhone as well)

Most iPads should work, here are a few you could purchase if you don't have one already.

We also recommend an iPad keyboard to make typing speedier when customers share their name, email, shipping addresses etc. You can purchase this independently of us.

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