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All CollectionsFigure: Detailed UseOrders
Admin users processing an order
Admin users processing an order

The complete order process from start to finish.

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

You can start a new order as an admin user two ways:

One, on the main Orders page, in the far upper right corner is a button called “New Order”. That activates a window allowing you to search for an existing client or start an order for a new, first time client.

Two, if you are already in a client account, in the right margin there is a box called Actions and the first option is “New Order”.

*Partially Important*As your customer list grows, to find customers accurately among a sea of similar names, we find it easier to search a customer name using the search box in the upper right corner of any screen in the Figure app. The results of that search will give you options to look at both past orders related to that name under the blue Orders tab or a list of customers with that name under the blue Customers tab. There might be a couple people in your customer list named Bob Smith, or Bobby Smith, or Robert Smith, or Rob Smith. Confirm you are starting an order for a client by their email address, that is the unique identifier for accounts.

After starting a new order in one of those ways, the “Select Products” page will appear. An entire list of your available products is available, with a search box at the top. If you don’t have many products you can scroll to find the product you are looking for with ease and then add that product to the order either by entering a number into the quantity cell, or clicking the +/- buttons. If you do have numerous products the list will get really long and the search cell will help you track down the one you are looking for.

When you add quantity to a product a box will appear on the right of the screen called “Items in this order” which will track your products, quantities and subtotal. Once you have loaded all the products for the order click the green button “Proceed to Checkout”.

The next page is your main checkout page where you will finalize all the details of the order and complete the purchase.

First section - Products in this order: Shows the products, a column for the quantity available in stock, cells for the quantity of bottles in this order and the retail price of the wines, followed by the line item totals for each product. If you need to add more quantity of a wine already in this section, you can do so by modifying the cell for quantity of bottles. If you need to add a different wine to the order, that you plumb forgot to load earlier, you can click the “Edit items in this Order” button and that will take you back to the “Select Products” page.

Second section - Order Information: If the customer has “Special Instructions” that are tied to their overall account details page, those will appear at the top of this section in blue highlight and they will be titled “Customer Shipping Preference” and “Customer Payment Preference”. You can learn more about the “Special Instructions” in the article, Customer account details page.

  • Credit Card - Here you will see the credit card that has been loaded in preparation for processing this order, which would be the default if you or the customer has designated a default credit card in their account. If you don’t see a credit card, click the drop down menu to select one or there will also be a selection to add a new card. 

  • Offline / Pay Later - We don’t advise using this feature. Figure is a DTC credit card processing system. To learn more about “Not Paid” orders, you can read the article titled, Accepting cash or check payments.

  • Shipping Address - The default shipping address will load automatically. If you need to change the shipping address or add a new one you can use the drop down menu.

  • Shipping Method - This defaults to the method that you have at the top of your list on the Settings>Shipping Rates page. You can change the shipping method for this order by clicking the drop down menu. If you don’t want to charge the customer any shipping you can select the “$0.00 Shipping” check box. If you want to keep a shipping method for the order (Ground, 2-Day Air, Overnight, etc), but wish to change the price of the shipping charge, you can do that manually in the right margin box called Pricing Details

Third section - Requested Ship Date / Status: Will allow you to select a ship date which would transfer over to your fulfillment company, if you use one to ship all your orders. It will also allow you to set the shipping status of the order after you process the transaction. So if you are processing an order for pickup, and your internal shipping status for a pickup order is “Hold”, you can make that selection here, now. Or if you are processing an order that has already shipped or was already picked up, you could apply that status here, now.

Fourth section - Customer Profile Information: This area displays additional information about the customer including their customer id number, email address where the order confirmation message will go, phone number, and birthday. You can modify those as well by clicking the “Edit Phone or Birthday” button.

Fifth section - Gift Message & Special Instructions: If a customer is sending this order as a gift and would like a note/card put into the box or if they have other special instructions regarding the order, you would click the “Edit Notes” button and add those notes into the corresponding text cell. Once the order is processed those notes will appear in the order confirmation email receipt the customer receives, in the order itself, and small icons will appear next to the order on the main orders page as a reminder. The Gift Message icon looks like a box wrapped with a bow, the Special Instructions icon looks like a cartoon speech bubble.
**Very Important**After setting up your accounts with ShipCompliant and/or your fulfillment company, contact them to see if the Gift Message and Special Instruction notes are coming through.

Sixth section - Order Details: This is where you can add some tracking notes for reporting later. Populating the people and order types into the first three options on this order checkout page can be done on the Settings>Configure page.

Sales Agent - This is the admin user processing the order and will be showing the name of the admin account currently logged in to Figure.

Sale Credited To - This is used if one employee locked down the order, say on a wine tasting visit/tour, but a co-worker is processing the order.

Select order type - You may have set up different types of order channels and you can select from those options here.

Email Receipt - This drop down defaults to sending a client an email confirmation receipt. If for some reason you don’t want to send that email confirmation, click the drop down and select “Do Not Send Email Receipt”.

During this whole time, as you scroll down the order checkout page, in the right margin there is a “Pricing Details” box. This provides you a look at the order totals all the way down to the bottom, before clicking the “Place This Order” button.

Pricing Details box shows:
>Subtotal of the products.
>A button to apply a promo code.
>There is a discount cell available, and if you hover your mouse over the blue circled dollar sign, Figure will provide you several percentage discounts based on the subtotal.
>If the customer has any credits in their account those will load into the credits cell. Figure automatically uses as much of their credits as possible in the order until the customer run out.
>Sales Tax is shown, based on the rate you have entered for their shipping state in the Settings>Shipping States & Taxes page.
>If the customer has a resale license you can click the Tax Exempt box and the sales tax will be removed from the order. It is best to get that resale license number on file in their account notes.
>Shipping charges can be modified here. The shipping method can stay the same but you can adjust the price they pay, up or down.
>Total Dollars

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