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Wine Club Details and Procedures
Wine Club Details and Procedures

The full wine club process

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over 7 years ago

On the Clubs page, start on the right side of the screen, under Actions, there is a New Club button.

This will bring up a window where you can name the club as you want customers to see it.

After naming, it will bring you to the main page for that club. This is where you will be able to edit the club details and begin a batch order process. It is also where you will see a list of members subscribed once the club is active and customers start joining.

Batch Order Process: In the simplest form, this is an automated feature that will compile all of a wine club’s members into one list. It allows an admin user to load products into a club cart section and then have the Figure app process 10, 20, 30...100s of orders in one batch. 

On the main club page, if you have multiple clubs, you will see the “Reorder” column on the right. If you click and hold the three horizontal lines of any club you can move it up or down the list. This will reorder the clubs as they are listed on your public club page.

**Very Important**To join a wine club, a customer needs to have a credit card loaded into their account first. 

Plus, when a customer needs to change the credit card being used in their existing club membership, that existing credit card cannot be deleted from their account or removed from the club until you load a new credit card into the account. 

Again, this is because customers are required to have a credit card loaded in their account  to sign up for a club. If they do not, the Figure platform will not allow them to sign up for a club. This is a failsafe for your club membership numbers. You don’t want people to sign up for a club if they are not willing to provide payment details.

Therefore, if you try and delete the only credit card in a customer account, and it is tied to their club membership, the platform will prohibit that one card from being deleted.

Edit Club Details:
**Very Important**Don’t forget to click the “Save Changes” button often.

Within a club, on the right side of the screen, you will see the option to “Edit Club Details.” On that page you set up all the parameters for this club. 

  • Status: You can make the club Visible or Not Visible on your website.

  • Descriptions and Benefits: These text sections allow you to describe the club to people visiting the club page on your website.

  • Price Range: This cell allows you to inform potential members that club releases can range from say $250-$300. Different wines translate to different prices so your Spring release could be $250 and your Fall release could be $300. It is wise to include a notice about how that price may or may not include applicable sales tax and shipping costs.

  • Thank You Message: This is what will be displayed on screen after a customer completes the sign up process.

  • Subsequent Non-Club Order Discounts: This section allows wineries to provide club members a discount on any other wine purchases from your website. This section does not apply any discounts for club purchases. If you would like to provide members a discount on their club purchase, there will be a step to do that manually during the batch ordering process (described later on).

On the Settings>Emails page, there are two wine club messages that you will want to customize to your clubs. One is the “Club Order Receipt (sent to customer after club order was processed)”, that text will be seen in the email the customer receives, with the list of wines ordered. Second is the “Club Sign Up Welcome (sent to customer after club sign up)” which the client gets the moment after they first sign up for the club.

Batch Processing Orders:
-On the main Club page of your Figure account click the “New Club Order” box for the club you wish to process.

-This brings you to the page where you load the wines and quantities for this club into a batch processing cart.

-Be sure that you have enough quantity of each product loaded into the system to complete all the orders you are about to process.

-Click “Proceed to checkout” box

At the top, “Step 1”, allows you to adjust any pricing for each wine to match the monthly limit of the price range you have set for the club, or if you choose, matching a specific dollar amount.

“Step 2” allows you to apply the shipping method, set a ship date (or pickup date), and which shipping status you would like to apply to the order after processing. 

*Partially Important*This section also contains a check box if you would like to forgo shipping charges on the club orders. Therefore, you can set the shipping method (Ground, 2Day Air, etc) so your fulfillment company knows how to ship the wines, but you can check the box that says, “Do not charge shipping costs - $0.00” and when you get to the final batch processing page that request will be reflected in the pending charges.

The final step on this page, in the right column of the screen, will allow you to apply a discount to this club order.

Then click the “Proceed to next step” button.

This is final page in the batch order process. In the top section titled “Current club order details”, your are shown the list of wines for this club order and the number of orders (members), with the total sales dollars including shipping and tax.

The middle section showing the tabs “Ready”, “Excluded Customers”, and “Completed Orders” allows you to track the clients that you want to exclude from the batch process, which you apply manually in the bottom section.

The bottom section titled “These are the club members that will be charged for this order” lists all the clients in this club and their details. If you would like to exclude any members from the batch order process, you check the box to the left of their name, click the drop down menu “Choose an action…” and select “Exclude selected customers from this batch order”. This will move those selected clients from the “Ready” section into the “Excluded Customers” section.

Also in this bottom section, to the right of your club member’s names, you also have the option to individually edit each club member’s club order or shipping/payment details via the two buttons “Edit Order” and “Edit Member”. These edits will allow you to modify products, enter special shipping instructions, gift notes, modify shipping dates and adjust pricing and discounts if need be.

Once complete, you can save those edits and go back to the main batch cart for processing all orders at once.

Depending on your connection, batch processing can take up to a minute per customer.

Expect a credit card decline rate of around 2% per month.

When you click the “Batch Process All ‘Ready’ Orders” button, let the batch work through all the charges before leaving the screen. Have patience.

At the end of the batch process, should any club members have declined credit cards, a notice of “Exceptions” will get produced on that same page, in red. You can export a list of the exceptions into an Excel spreadsheet as you will probably need to email or call those clients for updated payment info.

When declined credit cards occur, order numbers will not be sequential.

All orders that processed successfully will now appear on the main orders page.

To complete this batch process, return to the top section of the page and under “Club actions” on the right side select either “I’m completely done with this batch order” or “Completely Start Over”. Both selections do the same thing, finishing the batch process for that club.

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