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Standard Reports

Use this section for general insight on sales, inventory, orders, and customer performance.

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

There are five sections to cover—Sales, Products Sold, Product Inventory, Performance, and Top Customers.

**Very Important**—“Standard Reports” are based on calendar days. However, the “Accounting Reports” and “Stripe Online Payment” reports are based on daily 24 hour blocks from 5pm to 5pm. The reason for this is that Stripe is a global payments company based on UTC time, and 5pm PST equals 12am UTC.

The Sales Report page will default with data from the last 30 days. If you would like to adjust the date range click the “Select a Date” drop down menu and that will provide numerous options for compiling a report tailored to your time frame needs.

The columns from left to right show the States, number of Orders, number of Items in those orders, Total dollars of the orders, Credits used which is discounting, Tax, Shipping, and Revenue. There is also a column with the option to export the Transactions per state. That download creates a .csv spreadsheet showing all the transaction details for those orders.

If you click a state abbreviation, a list of the orders will appear allowing you to click on the order number and customer name to access their account instantly.

If you see a blank space where a state abbreviation is supposed to be listed, that is a line item showing you totals for all orders that were processed in which a customer account had no shipping state included. This usually relates to international orders. You will not be able to click an abbreviation link in the “State” column on the left but you will be able to Export a .csv spreadsheet in the far right column called “Transactions”. This spreadsheet download will actually show you all the transactions listed in the report results, but you will be able to filter the shipping state column to target and review those orders. As mentioned above, this will most often be showing international orders.
**Very Important**If you find that any of these orders are actually being shipped to addresses in the USA, you should go into those customer accounts and update the shipping addresses with the proper state. You will find that these orders did not get charged shipping costs because the shipping rate tables in Figure are based on states. If a state isn’t entered into a shipping address in a customer account the Figure system doesn’t have a reference point so $0 will be the shipping charge.

On the right side of the screen is an Actions box that allows you to “Export” a .csv spreadsheet of the results you are seeing on the screen. Be aware that in the spreadsheet the “Credits” column will be called “Discounts”. If you click the “Transaction” selection in the Actions box the .csv spreadsheet download will show you a breakdown of the individual orders that generated the totals on the screen. Columns for order number, order channel, client name, contact information, shipping details, and the financials of the order will all be displayed.

**Very Important**In this section of reports, the Sales reports are not static, they are not for accounting purposes. For example, if you process an order in January for a customer and then cancel that same order in February, the January numbers will adjust accordingly by removing those dollars. The order is now $0, so creating a Standard Sales report for that month will remove those dollars because it is no longer a sale. It will still show a record of an order being placed, but the totals would all be showing $0. 

However, that canceled order will only be available to review in the Standard Sales reports and Transactions export if there are other orders from that state that were placed during the same time frame.

Again, the Sales report is only a standard running total of orders placed, aimed at tracking goals for particular time ranges, not for accounting purposes. You can learn about Accounting Reports in the article, Accounting Reports - Sales By Channel.

Products Sold
This report will show you which products were sold during the time frame you select under the “Select a Date” drop down menu. The top line will show the number of SKUS sold, the total Items sold overall, and the SubTotal in dollars.

Below that will be a breakdown of those items, quantities and prices/totals.

Again, on the right side of the screen there is an Actions box with the option to Export a spreadsheet of the products sold.

Product Inventory
This report page does not have a time frame selector. It will show you a full list of all products either Active or Inactive with current available quantity. It will not show products that are in the Archive section of the main Products page.

Again, on the right side of the screen there is an Actions box. The “Export Inventory” option will download a .csv spreadsheet with the exact information shown the screen with columns for the product name, sku, and current quantity in stock. The “Export Full Product List” will also download all the wines in your inventory, but with full product details and pricing, just like the main products page export.

This report brings back the “Select a Date” time frame drop down menu and will allow you to get an overview of how many orders were placed on each day within a time frame chosen. So if you would like to see a breakdown of each day of orders in a given month you would select the “Date Range” option in the drop down menu, then select a month-long time frame. The report will show how many orders, the number of items sold, the average order size in dollars, and the total dollars brought in (not the subtotal).

On the right side the Actions box provides the Export option to download a .csv spreadsheet.

Top Customers
If you have a large list of customers, this report will take a very long time to populate the page. Once loaded, you will see your customer base in order from most dollars spent to least dollars spent. The Actions menu on the right provides the option to export that list with the information presented on the screen. 

However, if you would like to see more in-depth information about the top spending customers in your list, the other option is to visit the main Customers page:

  • In the upper right corner is the Export drop down button where you can “Export All Customers”. That export spreadsheet will also provide you with total dollars spent, plus club membership data, group data, number of orders placed, last order date, referral, and sign up source information, billing and shipping addresses...the whole works.

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