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A very important page to get fully setup within the first 2-3 days of your Figure account being activated.

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

General page in Settings

If you read through the Beginner’s Checklist article, this is not the first time you have visited the General page of your Settings. If you have not read through the Beginner’s Checklist article we advise you to get there now. Without completing the basics needed in that article, to get your Figure account setup, you will fall behind in the timeline needed to go from launch date to processing orders. 

Company Branding
Start off by loading a high definition company logo as that will be part of every page on your site.

Company Information
Enter your winery contact information. These details will be presented on your website in the Contact section.
**Very Important**Be sure to put a / (forward-slash) at the end of your Website URL. This ensures that your pre-auth login keys will work properly when launched from your Campaign Monitor or MailChimp account. Without it, pre-auth links won’t work.

Email Addresses
As the note below the “Admin Email” cell states, this is the email address where transactional notifications are sent from. You will have to set up this address with your email provider so that replies can be received. After a client signs up to be on your mailing list, signs up for a wine club, places an order online, has their club membership order processed, or uses the Forgot Password feature, the email address that messaging will come from is this one. You can see all the different transactional emails that get sent from the Figure system by visiting the Settings>Emails page.

As a heads up, you could add a personalized presentation to this email address like...
Your Wine Company Name <[email protected]>
Jack and Jill <[email protected]>

**Very Important**If you are going to use a personalized reference to your first names, don’t use the ‘&’ symbol. Spell out ‘and’. Using the ‘&’ is just asking for spam filters to kick your emails out of the customer’s inbox.

As the note below the “Company Email” cell states, this is the email address that clients will use to reach out regarding general questions. If it is the same as our “Admin Email” you don’t put the personalized touch in front...or this could be a different email address if you choose, and routed to a different employee as well:
[email protected]

For the Bounce Email, once activated, you will be notified of clients who’ve had an email from the Figure system bounce (not get delivered). Many times, these bounces are a situation that can be solved quickly. Email addresses spelled incorrectly happens often. To help as a good heads up for your employees, this one could be named something like:
[email protected]

**Very Important**For insight on selecting an email address, as it might not be the best idea to use [email protected], please refer to our Beginner’s Checklist...yet another reason to make sure you read that article.

Google Analytics
If you want to learn about the habits of visitors to your website, the pages they spend the most time on, the pages they don’t spend any time on, etc, set up a Google Analytics account for your domain and enter the UA account ID code into this cell.

Please be aware that Google Analytics does not go back in history. It will only start providing data once you create the Google Analytics account and enter the UA code into the cell in your Figure account.

Social Media
This is where you enter all your social media accounts. Clickable logo links in the contact section throughout your public website will take visitors to those places.

Please be aware that all you need to enter into the cell is your unique company naming. Below each cell, the highlighted section of yellow is an example of all you enter.

Therefore, if this is your full official registered landing page on Instagram: all you put into the social media cell is “YourCompanyWineName”

Too many times we end up seeing customers enter the entire URL string into the social media cells like this:

Which in turn makes the URL double up when the icon is clicked on your website, creating this:
...which just won't work.

Please also notice that at the bottom of the Social Media section you are given a box to check if you would like these links to be posted on the website.

The bottom portion of the page is for brands using ShipCompliant.

To proceed with this API connection, create a "web services user" in your ShipCompliant account and enter the email address and password chosen to the
"API Username" and "API Password" fields on this page.

The following are the checkboxes you can select depending on the use cases for your ShipCompliant account:

>Enable - Use ShipCompliant: This is to activate and confirm that you are going to use the ShipCompliant platform and have an account setup within their system. Checking this box will activate the ShipCompliant related API buttons on the main Orders page in the "Choose an Action" drop down menu, as well as the ShipCompliant 1011 Export.

>Fulfillment - Use ShipCompliant for Fulfillment: Check this box if you are going to be pushing orders from your ShipCompliant account to your fulfillment house.

>Tax - Use ShipCompliant Tax Rates: Check this box if you want the API to populate street level sales taxes in real time to orders coming through the commerce platform.

>Default Shipment Status - Select the option in the drop down menu: Options are "Payment Accepted", "Sent to Fulfillment", or "Delivered". To learn more about each of these options you can read about them via our Help Desk article here - Setting up the “Default Shipment Status” in ShipCompliant

>Recheck Orders on Update - Recheck ShipCompliant on each order update: Check this box if you would like the order to be rechecked for compliance automatically after an order update.

Configure Backup Tax Collection for ShipCompliant (Zip Code Based)

>To protect against ShipCompliant outages for providing real time sales tax rates, we have built a backup system that caches all sales tax rates based on zip code. While this will not be as accurate as street level rates provided by ShipCompliant, it is a helpful tool especially if ShipCompliant has a service outage on the first day of your allocation offering, when several hundred orders will be processed in those initial hours.

>Sales tax rates are updated monthly and each state has a different update schedule. We recommend checking the box to "Enable Local Tax Rate Cache" and clicking the "Reset Cache" button in the month you plan to set your allocation offering live. This can also be helpful if you have very large wine club, to reset the cache before you start a batch run setup.

>This download can take 2-3 hours to populate. Once completed, you will see a date showing the last successful download.

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