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Wish Grant batch process

Details on the steps for turning wish requests into grants

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over 2 years ago

The batch process for wish granting is usually only completed after an offering has closed.

The reason being is that if the offering is still open, and you export a spreadsheet of the wish requests, then as more wish requests come in, your grant file would not be accounting for those new requests.

If you upload an outdated grant file and run the batch, any new requests not in this file would be granted their entire wish.

Most brands just tend to wait, and make sure that as much of the offering is spread out among all their customers, with the aim not to over-allocate a smaller set of people, with the potential of selling out some wines in that process, which would leave some customers empty handed before the end of the offering.

Instructions for a Batch Wish Grant Process:

Export the Wish Grant file on the Wish Request page, located in the right margin. Save it to have a historical backup, no matter the process you follow below.

Review the spreadsheet to see if you need to adjust quantities for granting, based on your remaining inventory for all products in the offering.

If you DON'T need to modify any of the quantities that customers wished for, in other words, if you are going to grant all wish request quantities in full, then you don't need to complete the process below. You can just click the "I'm Ready to Get Started" button and proceed with the batch of all wishes. You should certainly export the wish file, to save a copy and review the quantities of products requested, compared to how many bottles you have remaining in inventory, as mention in the paragraph above. If that review shows you can grant all wishes, then you would not need to fill out the export file and upload it back into the platform. You can just run the batch.

If you DO need to modify any of the quantities that customers wished for, in the spreadsheet, populate the column titled "grant_qty" with the number of bottles you want to grant the customer.

Do not delete any rows or columns from this spreadsheet.

Do not add any rows or columns to the spreadsheet.

Confirm that each of the products still has enough inventory available to fulfill all the wish grants that will be processed.

Make sure to save the file as an MS DOS Comma Separated .csv

***Very important***...Make sure in the file there are no blank cells in the grant_qty column. If you are not going to grant a customer any bottles, that cell has to contain a 0.

Upload that sheet back into the platform via the "Import Wish Grants" button. That upload process will take the modified wish grant amounts in the grant_qty column and update each pending request with the new wish request amount. For example, a customer wished for 6 bottles, and you updated the grant_qty column to 3, this upload process is going to update that amount in the pending wish. This upload can take several minutes to process depending on how long the list is in the spreadsheet.

Once the upload is complete, then check some of the updated grants quantities by clicking the "Edit" button next to a request. The best way to see that the grant file upload was successful is if a customer requested 6 bottles of a particular wine, but you are only granting 3. You will be able to see that change in the wish request after you upload the file. Find two or three examples like that and give them a look.

Once we confirm that the grant file upload was successful, you click the "I'm Ready to get Started" button.

Then the system goes line by line and processes those grants, showing a progress bar at the top of the page.


Wish grants will be rolled into the original order, taking into account any shipping or sales tax increases and any Wish Only requests will be processed as a new order.

If a customer did not add any wish requests to their order during checkout, you will not be able to affix a wish to that order. But if they email/call you to request some wishes, you could go to the Order details page and use the “Edit Order” feature to process an additional charge by adding more wines.

There are times when customers will place regular orders, with wishes, and that will create an entry on the wish request page, with a reference to their original order number. But then they come back later to the allocation, thinking they should have wished for more quantities. Yet, since they are starting up a new order/request, when they place more wish requests, it creates a second entry on the Wish page in the platform, what we call a "wish only" request. That will put two separate wish entries onto that main wish page, and on the spreadsheet export, so it is good to do a little recon on any duplicates, based on wish only requests in the list.

The most common way to "fix" this is to record what wines they placed in the Wish Only request, then delete that from the Wish page. Then go to their existing order or existing wish request and update that entry, so that you don't have two orders for that one customer.

All Wish Only Requests will be at the bottom of the wish list page.

Wish Only Requests will have a "wo-" in front of the reference number.

On the Settings>Email page, there is an entry for a "Wish Grant Receipt" email, sent when a customer has a wish granted to an existing order.

There is also a "Customer Wish-Only Grant Receipt", sent when you grant a wish only request. You can modify that verbiage as needed.

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