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Reservations page

Keep track of all your tasting appointments.

Ned Creed avatar
Written by Ned Creed
Updated over a week ago

The reservations page not only helps you to manage your calendar of appointments, it will connect to the customer account in your Figure app and present select key details inside that reservation for your staff/host, plus provide a quick link into the actual customer account if there is a need to review existing customer notes. Once the reservation is saved there is a feature to populate the appointment to your Outlook, Google, or Apple calendar.

There are some custom details you will want to set up before you create your first reservation. In the Settings>Configure page, about 3/4 of a page scroll down, you will find the Reservations section. Here you can enter in the Type of Tour (options like Club Member, Private, Event, Group Tour), the Location on the property, the host/staff member in charge of the appointment, the Reason for the Visit, and the email messaging. After populating all these fields, they will be available in drop down menus during the reservation setup process.

Starting a new reservation happens in a customer account. The setup is like this for a reason. We wanted your staff to be inside a customer’s account and have all the notes, order history, payment details, club memberships, groups, etc right there in front of them before starting the process of confirming the reservation. It is important to know the customer and then populate the reservation accordingly.

In the customer details page, there are several tabs about 1/2 of a page scroll down in blue text. The page defaults to Profile & Notes and in that section of header tabs you click on Reservations. This will show you their past and future reservations. To create a new appointment, in the right margin column you will see the Actions section, which includes the New Reservation option.

Once the details of the reservation have been completed it will drop into the list of appointments on the main Reservations page. You can then click the View button which will allow you to add the appointment to your preferred calendar. 

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