Before you get all international on us, we have to turn it on first. Please reach out to Offset Support for assistance.
1. Select Settings
2. Click On International Shipping
3. Customize your Shipping Method Title
4. Add a Shipping description (Optional)
A Shipping Description appears to the customer during checkout and can be used to inform customers of the process for an order’s departure. In this case, if the customer is choosing International, you may want to remind them that it takes 2-3 days (or whatever time frame that may be) for an order to depart from your fulfillment company.
5. Enter your Default flat rate price
Setting the Default flat rate price will mean that you can use a consistent set price for the entire order regardless of bottle quantity, weight, or package quantity. We recommend this option if you don't have established prices worked out for the enabled Countries, but you want to make sure and capture some funds at the time of the sale. If you want to set up individual rates per country, please continue on for next steps.
6. Set your Method code
Setting this code, as with all shipping methods, would ensure that your fulfillment house or compliance would ship using an established method. *Make sure and select "Save All Changes" to save your work.
7. Click on International Shipping to reveal the list of Countries
This option will allow you to change settings and rate options for each individual Country
8. Set your Permission to Ship by Country
All Countries are set to Prohibited by default. Use the Permission to Ship toggle to set the desired states as Permitted and click the Save All Changes button often.
9. Set your Use Rates Per Country (Optional)
If you will be relying on the "Default flat rate price" you set in Step 5, you can leave the setting here as "Flat Rate." If you want to enable rates per country, you can set the toggle to "Per Country" and move on to the next step to set your rates.
10. Click on Edit to set your rates per country
11. Add method name Per Country (Optional)
This overrides the default method title and allows you to customize the name of the method.
12. Add a Shipping description Per Country (Optional)
A Shipping Description appears to the customer during checkout and can be used to inform customers of the process for an order’s departure for a specific country. In this case, if the customer is choosing International, you may want to remind them that it takes 2-3 days (or whatever time frame that may be) for an order to depart from your fulfillment company for this specific Country.
13. Set the Pricing toggle to Flat Rate or Per Bottle
If you will NOT be using the default Flat Rate, then leave the toggle on Flat Rate and change your Flat Rate Price below for only this country. As a reminder, Flat Rate pricing is "per order" not "per package." If you will be charging by the bottle or another individual unit price, then change the toggle to Per Bottle and skip to Step 16.
14. Set the Flat Rate Price Per Country
Entering the price here will override the Default Flat Rate price set on the main page and charge a specific flat rate for just this Country.
15. Enter your Method code Per Country (optional)
This is the internal code used by your fulfillment company of choice so that the shipping methods from your Offset account and their internal systems match up. Speak with your fulfillment company to make sure you have the settings matched up correctly with the shipping method they use for the particular country. For example, you may use UPS Worldwide Express when shipping to Japan, but they may use FedEx International Priority when shipping to Germany. Match up the Shipping Method you are creating to the appropriate Method Code your fulfillment company uses for the specific County.
16. Populate your rate table Per Country (For Per Bottle rates)
Very Important—Before you start populating the shipping rate grids, go to Settings > Shipping Options page so that you can complete step 18 Bottles Sizes & Cubing.
Populating Rate Tables:
After you select the bottle sizes you will be shipping in the Bottle Sizes & Cubing section of the Shipping Rates page, the rate tables will provide you with separate grids based on those bottle sizes. Make sure and fill out all the enabled rates.
You will need to refer to the rates provided by a shipping carrier or fulfillment company to populate each cell of the grid. However, be sure the rates they provide take into account not only the base shipping rates but also the current/fluctuating fuel surcharges, current Adult Signature Required fees, international handling fees, costs for shipping materials (boxes/foam), etc. If the rates you receive from the carriers or fulfillment company only present the base rate, then you will need to run some calculations to cover those additional costs.